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ab initio Molecular Dynamics#


We will now introduce ab initio Molecular Dynamics simulations where the atomic forces come from a first-principles code. We will use FHI-aims as this calculator in the following. We assume:

  • You are familiar with running MD simulations in a different context and are here to learn how to run MD with FHI-vibes.
  • You are familiar with running FHI-aims calculations.
  • Optionally: You are familiar with running FHI-aims calculations on a workstation or computing cluster.

Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations are MD simulations where the forces are computed from first principles, e.g., using density functional theory (DFT) with LDA or GGA xc-functional in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Thus,

\begin{align} \mathcal V ({\bf R}) = E_{\rm tot}^{\rm DFT} ({\bf R})~, \label{eq:PES} \end{align}

where the potential energy \mathcal V({\bf R}) of a given atomic configuration \bf R is given by the total energy E_{\rm tot}^{\rm DFT} ({\bf R}) of the electronic and nuclear system computed for this structure1. Given that a single DFT calculations is required for each step of the trajectory, MD calculations are computationally more expensive than the calculations performed in the other tutorials.

Setting up ab initio MD#

We will use an 8 atoms supercell of silicon with LDA xc-functional as previously in the tutorial on geometry optimization and phonon calculations. You can re-use the structure from the tutorial on geometry optimization, as well as the calculator setup.

cp ../path/to/relaxation/

Create a supercell with 8 atoms:

vibes utils make-supercell -n 8

To speed up the thermalization, we pre-thermalize the supercell by giving the kinetic energy corresponding to a temperature of 300\,{\rm K} with the following command:

vibes utils create-samples -T 300


Before we can run the MD, we need to create an input file. To this end, copy the calculator section for LDA-Si to a file called Next, we use the CLI command template to add settings for performing a NVT simulation:

vibes template md --nvt >>
The generated
name:                          aims

xc:                            pw-lda

density:                       2

default:                       light

port:                          12345

driver:                        Langevin
timestep:                      1
maxsteps:                      1000
compute_stresses:              False
workdir:                       md

temperature:                   300
friction:                      0.02
logfile:                       md.log

We suggest to add and/or adjust the following keywords:

timestep:                      4
maxsteps:                      2500
compute_stresses:              10


The timestep can be increased to 4\,{\rm fs} for Silicon at 300\,{\rm K}. With maxsteps: 2500 we will run a total of 2500 MD steps, i.e., 10\,{\rm ps} simulation time. The total simulation time depends on the system and the quantitiy of interest!temperature should be set to 300\,{\rm K}, our target temperature. The flag compute_stresses in the section [md] will make FHI-aims compute the ab initio stress every 10 steps during the MD simulation. This will provide access to pressure.2 by inspecting the Adding primitive: and supercell: in the [files] section is not necessary to run the calculation. However, vibes will automatically attach this information to the trajectory so that it cannot get lost. This also makes life easer when post processing. For example, the displacements \Delta {\bf R}_I(t) can only be properly calculated, when the reference supercell is known.

The final should look like this:

name:                          aims

xc:                            pw-lda

density:                       2

default:                       light

port:                          12345

driver =           Langevin
timestep =         4
temperature =      300
friction =         0.02
maxsteps =         2500
compute_stresses = 10


We are now ready to run the simulation!

Run a calculation#

This step is similar to before, i.e., you run

vibes run md >> &
[]    run MD workflow with settings from

[md]           driver: Langevin
[md]           settings:
[md]             type: molecular-dynamics
[md]             md-type: Langevin
[md]             timestep: 0.39290779153856253
[md]             temperature: 0.02585199101165164
[md]             friction: 0.02
[md]             fix-cm: True
[md]           ** /scratch/usr/becflokn/vibes/tutorial/3_md/ab_initio/si_8/md/trajectory.son does not exist, nothing to prepare
[calculator]   Update aims k_grid with kpt density of 2 to [4, 4, 4]
[calculator]   .. add `sc_accuracy_rho: 1e-06` to parameters (default)
[calculator]   .. add `relativistic: atomic_zora scalar` to parameters (default)
[calculator]   .. add `compensate_multipole_errors: False` to parameters (default)
[calculator]   .. add `output_level: MD_light` to parameters (default)
[calculator]   Add basisset `light` for atom `Si` to basissets folder.
[calculator]   Calculator: aims
[calculator]   settings:
[calculator]     xc: pw-lda
[calculator]     k_grid: [4, 4, 4]
[calculator]     sc_accuracy_rho: 1e-06
[calculator]     relativistic: atomic_zora scalar
[calculator]     compensate_multipole_errors: False
[calculator]     output_level: MD_light
[calculator]     compute_forces: True
[calculator]     compute_heat_flux: True
[calculator]     use_pimd_wrapper: ('localhost', 12345)
[calculator]     aims_command: run_aims
[calculator]     species_dir: /scratch/usr/becflokn/vibes/tutorial/3_md/ab_initio/si_8/md/basissets
[socketio]     Use SocketIO with host localhost and port 12345
[backup]       /scratch/usr/becflokn/vibes/tutorial/3_md/ab_initio/si_8/md/calculations does not exists, nothing to back up.
Module for Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition (version 2019 Update 5) loaded.
Module for Intel-MPI (version 2018.5) loaded.
[md]           Step 1 finished, log.
[md]           switch stresses computation off
[md]           Step 2 finished, log.
[md]           switch stresses computation off
[md]           Step 3 finished, log.
[md]           switch stresses computation off
[md]           Step 4 finished, log.
[md]           switch stresses computation off
[md]           Step 5 finished, log.

For running on a cluster, see additional remarks.


Process the calculation#

The data obtained at each time step will be written to the trajectory file md/trajectory.son. The CLI provides a tool to process the trajectory and create an xarray.Dataset from it. To this end, run

vibes output md md/trajectory.son

This command will create, a dataset representation of the data contained in the MD trajectory saved as an xarray.Dataset to a NetCDF file. The included data can be viewed with

vibes info netcdf
Output of vibes info netcdf
Dimensions:              (I: 8, a: 3, b: 3, time: 2501)
  * time                 (time) float64 0.0 4.0 8.0 ... 9.996e+03 1e+04
Dimensions without coordinates: I, a, b
Data variables:
    positions            (time, I, a) float64 ...
    displacements        (time, I, a) float64 ...
    velocities           (time, I, a) float64 ...
    momenta              (time, I, a) float64 ...
    forces               (time, I, a) float64 ...
    energy_kinetic       (time) float64 ...
    energy_potential     (time) float64 ...
    stress               (time, a, b) float64 ...
    stress_kinetic       (time, a, b) float64 ...
    stress_potential     (time, a, b) float64 ...
    temperature          (time) float64 ...
    cell                 (time, a, b) float64 ...
    positions_reference  (I, a) float64 ...
    lattice_reference    (a, b) float64 ...
    pressure             (time) float64 ...
    pressure_kinetic     (time) float64 ...
    pressure_potential   (time) float64 ...
    name:             trajectory
    system_name:      Si
    natoms:           8
    time_unit:        fs
    timestep:         4.000000000000006
    nsteps:           2500
    symbols:          ['Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si']
    masses:           [28.085 28.085 28.085 28.085 28.085 28.085 28.085 28.085]
    atoms_reference:  {"pbc": [true, true, true],\n"cell": \n[[ 5.42906529316...
    atoms_primitive:  {"pbc": [true, true, true],\n"cell": \n[[-0.00000000000...
    atoms_supercell:  {"pbc": [true, true, true],\n"cell": \n[[ 5.42906529316...
    volume:           160.02034201861315
    raw_metadata:     {"MD": {\n  "type": "molecular-dynamics",\n  "md-type":...
    hash:             ff1410ec05dc89c85cf148670ecb05947a0066c8

Inspect results#

You can perform postprocessing of the pressure by inspecting the trajectory dataset in Be aware that the simulation time is shorter when discarding the thermalization period.

reference pressure

For 8 atoms LDA-Silicon, you should get a potential pressure of -0.61 \pm 0.06 {}

A more detailed introduction to postprocessing including example scripts is given in the next chapter.


Running the calculation will take some time depending on the computer your working with. You find references in our reference repository. There you also find reference calculations for 64 and 216 atoms.

  1. Note that a corect ab initio MD requires also to choose the different numerical settings in the DFT calculation with care. For instance, the inherent incompleteness of the SCF cycle in Kohn-Sham DFT schemes can introduce a systematic error that introduces energy drifts and other unphysical effects. Choosing the correct convergence settings is an important aspect of performing ab initio MD simulations and is highly materials specific. Devising a strategy on how to choose these settings goes beyond the scope of this tutorial. 

  2. We compute the stress only every 10th step because computing the stress is numerically more expensive in ab initio than computing the atomic forces only. Since we know that consecutive samples generated during MD are highly correlated, we don't loose valuable information by computing this quantity not in every single step.