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Slurm Submission#

vibes can submit jobs on cluster using the slurm submission system. The configuration goes via the task input file by adding a [slurm] section. A template can be generated via

vibes template slurm >>
Task input file with [slurm] section
name:         test
tag:          vibes
mail_type:    all
nodes:        1
cores:        32
queue:        express
timeout:      30

Submit a job#

A job is submitted by using vibes submit instead of vibes run. For example, you would run vibes submit md on a cluster to submit the calculation to the queue instead of running vibes run md locally. vibes submit will submit the job to the cluster according to the specification it finds in the [slurm] section, see below.

The command will do the following:

  • Write a script according to the specifications found in the [slurm] section,
  • submit the job to the queue via sbatch, and
  • log the time of submission and the job ID to a file called .submit.log.

Restart a job#

vibes supports automatic restarts if the job will take longer than the available walltime, which is often the case during ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Restarts can be requested by adding

command: the command to restart the calculation, e.g., `vibes submit md`

to your task input file. This will run the command specified here shortly before the walltime is over.

The [slurm] section#


str: The name of the job.


str: A common tag added to the job name to cluster sets of jobs.


str: The slurm mail type usually specified via --mail-type


str: The mail address that slurm will send notifications to.


int: The number of nodes to be used for the job (job dependent).


int: The number of cores per node to be used for the job (machine dependent!).


str: The name of the queue to be submitted to.


int: Walltime for the job in minute. Queue and cluster dependent!