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When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the maintainers of this repository. This will make life easier for everyone.

Report Issues#

Please use the issue tracker to report issues. Please try to answer these questions:

  • Has this issue been discussed before? Please have a quick look at the existing issues. If not:
  • What is the issue? What is the expected behavior?
  • Is the problem reproducible? Please provide a minimal example.

Contribute Code via Merge Request#

In order to contribute code to FHI-vibes, please follow the usual steps for preparing and creating a merge request. A few remarks regarding our guidelines for code and code style:

  • We use black with default settings and isort for formatting the code. The settings for isort are included in setup.cfg.
  • Please document and test your changes. Tests are found in vibes/tests and written with pytest.
  • Please use google-type docstrings for your functions. Optionally you can use type hints, but we currently don't enforce this.
  • We loosely keep track of code coverage, please try not to decrease coverage when contributing new code.